Difference Between Power and Authority in Government

What is power in government? Power is the ability to influence the behavior of another person under threat of sanctions. Sanctions can be negative or positive. Thus, a political leader may have the ability to control the actions of others by promising wealth and honor to those who support him, or he may threaten to withhold these rewards from those who oppose him. However, failure to comply could result in sanctions. Power can take four forms Political Power – It is the power that comes from the people and the constitution. Economic Power – It is the power that can be obtained through the possession of economic resources. military strength – this is…

Creation of the Mid Western Region in 1963.

The agitation for the creation of the West Central Region began in 1948 with the creation of the Benin Community under the leadership of Oba Akenzua II of Benin. The organization calls for the creation of the Benin Delta region or Central-West region.  On June 14, 1955, a member of the then Action Group of the Western Region Legislative Assembly, the Hon  MS Sowole, moved a motion at a meeting of the House of Representatives. The motion entitled “Establishment of a separate  state  for the  provinces of…