Historical Facts of Remo Kingdom in OGUN State .

Remoland is located in the southwestern part of Nigeria. It has three of the 20 local government areas in Ogun State. It borders the villages of Ijebu North Local Government of Ogun State and Ago-Iwoye to the northeast. It also borders Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of ​​Ogun State to the north with Owode Egba and Obafemi villages. It borders Ikorodu Local Government Area to the southwest with Agbowa-Ikosi towns and Ikorodu villages.It borders Ododogbolu Local Government Area of ​​Ogun State to the east and borders places like Ijesa-Ijebu, Ododogbolu and Ayepe.

Akarigbo is the leader of all the kings of the land of Remo. The first Akarigbo was Igbodein, the son of Aki, married to Onigbo. Onigbo was one of those who initially followed Obanta to Ijebuland. The poetic eulogy (orika) of King Igbodein read: “Owa Mojo-nmogun ofin.When he moved to Oke Iyemule, he is said to have said: “Ore mo! This happened because around 1450 he moved to a new house in anger.

It was Aroyewun Akarigbo who took the people from Iyemule and relocated them to Orile Ofin. The other Akarigbo of this early period were: Luyoruwa, Radolu, Koyelu, Muleruwa, Tewogbuwa, Arioko, Liyangu, Otutu bi Osun, Erinjugbotan, Faranpojo, Igimisoje (who was famous for leading his people (1872) to now join in this point). known as Sagamu, on land that belonged to a man named Bammowu after the Makun War of 1862. Soon after settlement, the Imakun returned from their village in and found Akarigbo, Alara and Alado.Then Elepe also came to spend the night with his friends. Shortly  thereafter, a dispute over the crown broke out between Akarigbo and Elepe, which led to war. During this battle, Akarigbo is said to have declared: “Bin kotile ju osandie, emi ni Oloja Remo”.

This new settlement was then called Sagamu because it was near the river. After this period, Deuja became Akarigbo in 1880.In 1895, Oyebayo became Akarigbo and in his time another war broke out between him and Elepe (1903) for ownership of the crown.

This war was so fierce that then-Governor William MacGregor had to intervene and mediate. During the mediation, Ooni agba Olubuse was then called as a witness and testified that he did not know who Elepe was, but that he knew Akarigbo and that he had actually received fifty pounds (£50) from Akarigbo before giving him the disputed crown handed him over.
The governor finally healed the schism and brought the crown back to Elepe. It was later reported that one of the Mr. E.S. Ajayi (BSc) confirmed upon his return from studying abroad that he had personally identified the crown on display at a London museum.Soon after this incident, a conspiracy was formed against Akarigbo Oyebajo and in 1914 he was dethroned and exiled to Calabar. Oba Awolesi then became Akarigbo in 1916. Note that Akarigbo Adedoyin I was enthroned in 1916, but his reign was short-lived. It was in 1917 that Akarigbo worked with Awujale Ademolu and agreed to annex all Remo lands in Ijebu-Ode so that the two could become one.

In 1924 Akarigbo sent envoys to the Ooni of Ife to request a crown for him.In response, the Ooni sent the crown through his emissaries. When the Ooni emissaries entered Ijebuland, they stopped at the Awujale Ademolu Palace to pay their respects. They explained to Awujale the purpose of their journey and when Awujale learned the reason, he became angry and immediately sent messengers to Akarigbo urging him to come and explain his reasons for asking the Ooni for the crown. The two gentlemen H.D.Lamuth and TB Le Dew (then Councilor General) rebuked Akarigbo for what he had done and urged the Awujale to be patient and understanding. The Ooni emissaries were then sent back to Ile-Ife and Akarigbo returned to Remo to perform the relevant rituals during the coronation ceremony.
In 1936, another argument broke out, after which Akarigbo declared: “Mo kunle mo fi apo ko; mo duro owo mi ko to mo”.This statement became so controversial that the Government had to send the Hon. Martin Dale appointed to investigate the matter.

During this investigation, Akarigbo hired a lawyer named Palmer. On completion of the investigation, Mr Martin Dale recommended that Remo be separated from Ijebu-Ode. He also recommended that Remo pay four hundred pounds (£400) annually to the Ijebu-Ode government as land rent. This agreement was signed in 1937 and Mr. R.T. Minne was appointed district officer for the Remo region. However, on July 27, 1946, Akarigbo Oba Adedoyin I along with Laperu, Ologere, Ewusi, Odemo, Alaiye Ode, Alalisan, Onipara, Aakenne, Onirolu and Elepe enthusiastically visited Oba Awujale Gbelebuwa II who received their warmth. After a long discussion, Oba Akarigbo stood up and declared that all misunderstandings of the past are over because as he said, they are all Ijebu and Remo should be no different. Then, as usual, the kola nuts were broken into pieces and all nuts were cut and eaten. Others who attended this meeting in August included: Rev. WF Mellor, Attorney Adeleke Adedoyin, Hon. TA. Odutola and other leaders of Awujale Palace.

Finally, on January 9, 1952, at a ceremony, Akarigbo publicly announced the deployment of the Hon. An FRichards that he (Akarigbo) will refrain from participating in public conflicts or battles in the future. This Akarigbo died on March 21, 1952. A memorial service was held in his honor on April 20, 1952. Shortly after his death, his son, Prince Adeleke, Akarigbo, but was immediately deposed by the people by order of the court.


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