Ido-Ora: The Twin Capital of the World

You will be interested to know that there is a special town in Nigeria where every house has dual gas. This is a reason for joy because many families look forward to the birth of twins and believe that this is a special blessing from God.

This is an interesting but little-known fact: the twin birth rate in West Africa is about four times higher than in the rest of the world. The center of this twin zone is Igbo-Ora, a quiet town in the southwest of Oyo State. The city is nicknamed the “Twin Capital of the World”.  Igbo-Ora is a town and headquarters of Ibarapa Central in Oyo State. Its population is constantly increasing due to the high rate of twin births in the city.

An unusually high number of twin births in the region earned the city the nickname “Twin Capital of the World”. The phenomenon of high twin births does not only affect the Igbo-Ora; This was also observed in the city of Kodinji in India and Cândido Godói in Brazil, but Igbo Ora has surpassed these countries. Research conducted in Igbo-Ora suggests that multiple births may be linked to the eating habits of women in the area. However, no direct connection between food intake and the number of twin births could be proven. There is obviously a possible explanation that the high number of twins born during this period could simply be a genetic problem.

More twins are born here than anywhere else in the world, but no one is sure why this city should be more prone to the birth of twins than any other. Outlook reports on the special kind of “sister city”.

When you enter the land of the Igbo Ora, you do not need to be a fortune teller to know that it is a land of twins.  At the entrance, a sign welcomes visitors and says: Welcome to Igbo Ora, the land of twins. »The southwest in particular has the highest partnership rate in the world. Legend has it that multiple births are celebrated in the predominantly rural Igbo-Ora community and have been considered special gifts from God for generations. Twins are a blessing, and many pregnant women want multiple births.

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