Chronicles Of Ogbomoso Town In Oyo State.

The town of Ogbomoso lies among Ilorin and Oyo Town in the south western area of Nigeria. The town was established during the seventeenth hundred years by Ogunlola, a courageous tracker of Ibariba plummet. History has it that Ogunlola relocated to the current site of Ogbomoso around 1650 in quest for his hunting vocation. He showed up at the site which was then a thick wilderness with his significant other named Esuu and together they set up camp underneath an ajagbon tree which can in any case be seen today close to the Soun’s castle. Later on, Ogunlola and his better half constructed a hovel close to the tree and settled there for all time.

Not long after they got comfortable the wilderness, Ogunlola saw that smoke discharge day to day from neighboring spots. He chose to look at the spots and amazingly, he found that four different trackers were likewise abiding in the wilderness. The primary tracker was a Nupe elephant tracker named Aale who set up camp in a spot presently known as Oke-Elerin (Elephant Slope). The second was an Otta ruler named Onisile who left his town in light of title question, he got comfortable a spot presently known as Ijeru. The third tracker was Orisatolu who set up camp at Isapa and the last tracker settled at Akande which never again exist. Ogunlola laid out his predominance over the four trackers with his unequaled hunting abilities and the assistance of his better half, Esuu, who was truly adept at making tobacco snuff and guinea corn-wine which the trackers enjoyed to such an extent.

Ogunlola and the trackers shaped a general public considered Alongo with the points of safeguarding the settlement from slave looters, hunting wild creatures together, helping each other, etc. The settlement started to extend as individuals moved in till it turned into a town. Ogunlola step by step turned into the top of the new town as his hovel turned into the regulatory focus where significant issues were examined, and a court where questions were settled

History of Ogbomoso
The historical backdrop of Ogbomoso has it that Ogunlola was subsequently detained at Oyo-Ile, the capital of the old Oyo domain, for a supposed wrongdoing. While in jail, Ogunlola caught wind of a champion named Elemoso who had been threatening Oyo-Ile. He begged the Alaafin (customary leader of Oyo) to let him out of the jail to battle and kill Elemoso. After much influence, the Alaafin conceded Ogunlola’s solicitation to chase Elemoso down. Elemoso was an exceptionally impressive and courageous champion who battled with sword and bolts. Ogunlola was shown Elemoso’s camp. Notwithstanding, it took him a days to concentrate on Elemoso’s strategies. One evening, Ogunlola crawled upon Elemoso’s camp and shot him down with a bolt. He guillotined him and took his head to the Alaafin who was extremely cheerful. The Alaafin conceded Ogunlola opportunity and, surprisingly, convinced him to remain in Oyo-Ile however Ogunlola denied, he shared with the Alaafin: “Ejé kí á mama se óhún” signifying “Let me stay distant in my property”. This is where the title ‘Soun’, the customary leader of Ogbomoso, was authored from.

The Ogbomoso Palace.

Ogunlola got back to his town and was made the central chief with the title of Soun. He turned into the primary Soun of Ogbomoso. The settlement was in this way called “Eyi ti Ogbori Elemoso” signifying “the person who conveyed Elemoso’s head”. This was abbreviated to Ogbori Elemoso and later, Ogbomoso which today is called till. This was the way Ogbomoso got it’s name from Ogunlola’s courage.
Ogbomoso later rose from its simple town status to a solid town because of the job it thusly played throughout the entire existence of Yoruba land.

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