Obitun Festival in Ondo: An Initiation Rite into Womanhood

The Ondo people live in southwestern Nigeria and represent one of the largest subgroups of the Yoruba ethnic group. The Ondo people live as one large family because they share the same historical context, traditions and cultural heritage that define them . The culture and traditions of the Ondo people are very rich, fascinating and exciting.

In the heart of Ondo city, the Ekimoguni, as the Ondo people are known, celebrate their daughters’ transition into womanhood through a celebratory ritual called “Obitun,” meaning “new woman.” The Obitun Festival, held by the Ondo people in ancient times, is very different from the modern Obitun cultural dance, which is now performed only for entertainment at public events.Only the dance aspect of the ancient Obitun has been retained by the modern sons and daughters of Ondo, the ritual and original intent of the Obitun has disappeared. In the ancient times of the Ondo people, Obitun was considered a sacred ritual and a very important milestone in the lives of young but mature girls. They believed that in order to become a woman, a girl had to go through Obitun, otherwise misfortune and problems such as infertility and marriage failure would befall her.

Obitun Festival in Ondo City.

But today, due to Western education, Christianity and other religious beliefs, most families in Ondo do not consider obitun important for their daughters until they are recognized as women and get married.But nevertheless, the Obitun tradition still thrive among some set of the Ondo people even though it is being threatened by extinction.
Back in the early days, Obitun festival was usually held for a week. The girls initiated during the festival were treated with extra care and love. They were beautifully dressed and decorated with exquisite beads and camwood face paintings. Part of Obitun costume are horsetails, fans and beaded wallets which is worn across the shoulders.

During the Obitun festival, initiated girls were not called by name, but rather “Obitun,” which means “new woman.” There was usually plenty of food at the Obitun festival; The most popular is the battered yam and okra soup. These foods were offered as sacrifices to the spirits of newly initiated girls (Obitun) to accompany them on their path to womanhood. On the last day of the festival, the newly initiated girls danced together throughout the city, stopping at important places such as their relatives’ homes, where they were congratulated and presented with gifts. They also stopped at some temples such as Ogun Lei and Ogun Aisero in Ododibo and Odojomu to thank their Creator one last time.

Recently, all of these aspects of Obitun were removed, leaving only the dance session. The Obitun cultural dance of the Ondo people is now performed by cultural dance groups only for the entertainment of the people during ceremonies.