Official Speech Of Sir Fredrick Lugard On The Amalgamation Of The Northern And Southern Protectorate. .

You must be familiar with the merger of the Northern and Southern Protectorates on January 1, 1914, if you are a Nigerian.

We believe it is best for you to have a glimpse of this event that led to Nigeria’s birth, so we provide you with the Amalgamation Day (January 1, 1914) speech by Lord Frederick Lugard.

“You are all aware that His Majesty’s Government has come to the conclusion that it would be to the great advantage of the countries known as Southern and Northern Nigeria that they should be merged into one Government, conforming to one policy, and mutually cooperating for the moral and material advancement of Nigeria as a whole,” the statement reads. “You are all aware that His Majesty’s Government has come to this conclusion after long and mature consideration.

Sir William Macgregor, who served as Governor of Lagos, Sir Ralph Moore, who served as High Commissioner for Southern Nigeria, and myself, who served as High Commissioner for Northern Nigeria, all strongly supported this policy around ten years ago. In Northern Nigeria, my successors and Sir Walter Egerton have continued to advocate for it.

Over a year ago, the Secretary of State decided that the time had come to implement the plan to form a single government for Nigeria. The construction of rival railways in Northern and Southern Nigeria emphasized the necessity of having a single railway policy and administration.

Mr. Harcourt was pleased to select me, and in order for me to complete this difficult task, he appointed me first as Governor of the two separate governments of Northern and Southern Nigeria. This was so that I could learn about local conditions and present my proposals for amalgamation to him.

On May 9 of this year (1913), I had the honor of submitting those proposals for his consideration. They were accepted in every way, and they are now going into effect. As a result, I want to briefly explain to you, and through you, to the official and unofficial Nigerian community, the foundation for this amalgamation and the major changes that will result.

His Majesty has been pleased to confer the title of Governor-General upon the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria, indicating this nation’s significance among the Crown Colonies and Protectorates of the Empire. The Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria will be placed under the control of a single officer. The Protectorate of Southern Nigeria will be known as the Southern Provinces of Nigeria, while the region that has been known as Northern Nigeria will be known as the Northern Provinces in the future. A Lieutenant-General reporting to the Governor-General will be in charge of each immediately. Because of its distinct status and customs, the colony will maintain a distinct identity under its own Administrator, interacting directly with the Governor-General.

The Governor-General will split his time between the Northern and Southern Province Headquarter Stations, while the Central Headquarters will remain in Lagos for the time being.

I am humbled to accept the honor of being appointed Governor-General by His Majesty through the Secretary of State. I humbly hope that I will be able to carry out the important duties of this position, which I greatly value, in a way that will earn His Majesty’s approval and bring happiness to all of His Majesty’s loyal subjects and Nigerians. I take this opportunity to sincerely ask for the cooperation and loyal assistance of all classes, Official and Unofficial, irrespective of race or creed. I assure you that, so far as in me lies, I shall not spare myself nor find any work too hard or arduous if i can thereby advance the true interests of this country and of each individual person in it, regardless of his race or creed, or how humble his rank. To succeed in such a task would be impossible without the goodwill and cooperation of

His Majesty has selected Mr. A.G. Boyle, C.M.G., and Mr. C.L. Temple, C.M.G. officers for the high and responsible positions of Lieutenant-Governors of the Southern and Northern Provinces. These officers are officers in whose loyalty and ability he places the utmost trust, and in whose hands the welfare of the Protectorate is guaranteed. The Secretary of State has appointed Mr. F.S. James as Administrator of the Colony. Given his extensive background in the South, James is the ideal candidate for the position. If you will allow me, I would like to congratulate these officers and express my deep satisfaction at having them as colleagues.