The Young Shall Grow- Little Girl Who Presented Flowers To Queen Elizabeth Becomes Mrs Folashade Randle

Folashade Lawson, girl of the Executive of Lagos Town Committee, was among the young ladies who introduced blossoms to Sovereign Elizabeth II when she visited Nigeria in 1956. As at then, little Folashade Lawson was four years of age however presently, she is Mrs. Folashade Randle, a certified business legal counselor wedded with youngsters to…


Unrest Caused By The 50 Kobo In 1978.

In 1978, Nigerian understudies organized a dissent (Ali Should Go) which, till today, stays the mother of all Alutas (understudy fights) in Nigeria. It was a cross country fomentation that brought the Public Association of Nigeria Understudies (NUNS) into an open a conflict with the Tactical legislature of Olusegun Obasanjo and the harsh looking men…
