Pictures and Background Story of TB Joshua in his Early Stages of Life.

TB Joshua: “I found myself in a family that irritated me. My natural state at birth was poverty. I come from a very humble background. There was poverty in the family. What little education I received was due to my own efforts. I know many people with similar birth circumstances who did it differently. They allow circumstances to influence their will. Their dreams shattered on the cliffs of disappointment, defeat and failure.

Nowadays, many people attribute their situation to their family environment. Some would say, “I’m poor because everyone in my family is poor.” If you apologize for being poor, your poverty cannot be excused. Remember that you are responsible for where you focus your attention. So, there is no reason to blame someone else for your situation. Today, people often attribute their failures to family context, while they attribute success to personal efforts. If you attribute your success to your personal effort, you must also take responsibility for your failures. If we justify our mistakes, those mistakes will no longer be justified.

“I recognized very early that Christ’s victory was over. I mean, victory is assured. Instead of despairing and blaming my family for my situation, I began to be proud of my situation and feel Christ’s victory over me. I became content with my situation because I knew that Christ could redeem my situation and that redemption was a thing of the past. In short, guaranteed redemption. Then I began to take God at His word and follow His path.

“No one is too good or too bad to deserve mercy.” Remember, I could have sat down somewhere and started making excuses for my situation. I never did that. Everything I am today the result of this belief that victory through Christ is a true victory.

The rest is history! – TB Joshua