In the 1979 film “Aiye,” Chief Hubert Ogunde played “Osetura,” seeking advice from the “Ifa” oracle. He was told to conduct the “Iroko Oluwere festival” during this consultation after learning that the witches were causing the people’ problems for the first time. This image is a still from the 1979 filming of the movie, which took place in the village of “Ibatefin” close to the town of Idi-Iroko, which is on Nigeria’s border with the Benin Republic.
The link between Esu and humanity is described in “Ose’tura.”
To be more precise, Esu manifests in several ways. In this particular verse (Ose’tura), the manifestation is referred to as Esu O’dara, which means the Divine Messenger distributes or starts transformation.
When the Westerners arrived in the 17th century, they called EŚU the devil. However, EŚU is a divine messenger and a Deity, never the devil or evil.