Watch the Thrilling ‘Happy Birthday’ (1988) Jam By Evi Edna Ogholi

Evi Edna Ogholi is a Nigerian reggae musician who rocked the 80s with her famous reggae songs. She was born on July 6, 1965 in Isoko, Delta State (then Bendel State). Evi Edna Ogholi is considered by many to be Nigeria’s first female reggae artiste and this is true, as evidenced by the title of her debut album, My Kind of Music, released in 1987, she then released three more popular albums: “On The Move,” “Happy Birthday,” and “Step by Step”. Of all Evi Edna Ogholi’s songs, “Happy Birthday” is the most popular and can even be described as her magnum opus.

The song “Happy Birthday” was released on Polygram Records (later Premier Records) in 1988 and played across Nigeria. This song is still played at birthday parties today.

Happy Birthday Evi Edna Ogholi

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