The Godfather of Masquerades In Ibadan.

The Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria practice egungun, or masquerading, frequently. They see it as a way to get back in touch with their ancestors. In the Yoruba city of Ibadan, Oloolu is a powerful egungun or eegun. Ibadan residents and residents know Oloolu very well. Women in particular tremble in fear when Oloolu is…

Chronicles Of Ogbomoso Town In Oyo State.

The town of Ogbomoso lies among Ilorin and Oyo Town in the south western area of Nigeria. The town was established during the seventeenth hundred years by Ogunlola, a courageous tracker of Ibariba plummet. History has it that Ogunlola relocated to the current site of Ogbomoso around 1650 in quest for his hunting vocation. He…

Unrest Caused By The 50 Kobo In 1978.

In 1978, Nigerian understudies organized a dissent (Ali Should Go) which, till today, stays the mother of all Alutas (understudy fights) in Nigeria. It was a cross country fomentation that brought the Public Association of Nigeria Understudies (NUNS) into an open a conflict with the Tactical legislature of Olusegun Obasanjo and the harsh looking men…

The Establishment of The National Congress of English West Africa (NCBWA) And Its Challenges.

The National Congress of English West Africa (NCBWA) was established in Accra, Gold Coast (presently Ghana) in 1920 by the informed elites from English-speaking West African states drove by Joseph Casely Ephraim Hayford, a Ghanaian and Dr. Akinwande Savage from Nigeria. Other prime supporters and early authorities included Edward Francis Little, F. V. Nanka-Bruce, A.…

Circumcision In the Igboland.

The Igbo people’s ancient culture and tradition, which derives from their traditional religions, is the practice of circumcising infants on Igbo land. The removal of female genitalia or a simple fold of skin (the foreskin and prepuce) covering the head of an un-erect penis is known as circumcision. The Igbo people used to circumcise both…